Penetration Testing

Evaluate your system's security with penetration testing. Routine penetration testing can detect and eliminate cyber security vulnerabilities, preventing attacks before they happen. Businesses should conduct regular penetration tests or whenever a major change occurs in the organisation, to keep their assets secure from cyber attacks.

Why does an organisation need regular penetration testing?

Regularly scheduled penetration testing allows businesses to locate and mitigate security risks. Businesses should also ask for penetration testing whenever the following changes occur:

Benefits of Penetration Testing

Reveals Real Risks

Penetration tests reveal potential vulnerabilities in your security, giving you a chance to properly remediate any shortcomings before an actual attack occurs.

Reduce Downtime

Regular penetration testing ensures that your operations don’t suffer from unexpected downtime due to a successful cyber attack (e.g. Denial of service attack), by alerting you of the vulnerabilities in time.

Keep you in compliance

Penetration tests help address the compliance and security obligations that are mandated by industry standards and regulations such as PCI, HIPAA, FISMA, and ISO 27001 and SOC2.

Build Trust

A cyber attack or data breach negatively affects the trust and loyalty of your customers, vendors and partners.

Find the gaps in your security, Today!

At The Cyber Assurance, we help businesses find gaps in their security and offer steps for remediation. Because none of us knows when the hacker will take advantage of these vulnerabilities.

For Free ISO 27001 ISMS Register

"ISO 27001 ISMS Register includes templates for all registers (can also be called records or logs) which are requirements of ISO 27001:2013 standard i.e. Asset, Risk, Audit and Security Incident registers".

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