Cyber Security Audits

Detect threats and security flaws to protect critical data. We will help you improve your security posture by conducting risk assessments, third party audits and internal audits to highlight any security gaps in your Information Security Management System (ISMS).

What a Cyber Security Audit Does for Your Business?

A Cyber Security Audit keeps an organisation updated with security measures by identifying any procedure and technical ssecurity vulnerabilities.

Helps create new security policies

Protects critical data resources

Prepare the organisation for emergency response in case of a cyber security breach

Keeps your organisation compliant with various security certifications

Identifies security flaws even before they are exposed to hackers

Benefits Of Cyber Security Audits

Evaluates the flow of data

All technologies and methods associated with your anti-data breach processes are analysed in a cyber security audit to ensure that no data will be lost, stolen, misused or harmed.

In-depth Analysis of the ISMS

Cyber security audits take an in-depth analysis of your internal and external IT practices and systems. Because sometimes we get so engrossed in seeing the shortcomings of external security systems/networks that we do not see the internal controls.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Depending on the nature of the business, it may be legally required to follow certain standards for data privacy and security. A cyber security audit may ensure a business remains in compliance.

Keep Your Business Safe!

At The Cyber Assurance, we help businesses with a thorough and effective cyber security audit. We provide information and feedback about potential deficiencies and non-compliance with existing policies.To know more, feel free to reach out to us.

For Free ISO 27001 ISMS Register

"ISO 27001 ISMS Register includes templates for all registers (can also be called records or logs) which are requirements of ISO 27001:2013 standard i.e. Asset, Risk, Audit and Security Incident registers".

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