Cloud Security

Ensure that your online data is protected from theft, leakage and deletion by addressing security risks within the cloud environment.

Why Is Cloud Security Important For All Businesses?

Maintaining a solid cloud security posture helps organisations achieve the now widely recognized benefits of cloud computing

Lower upfront costs

Reduced ongoing operational and administrative expenses

Ease of scaling

Increased reliability and availability

A whole new way of working

Benefits Of Cloud Security

Identify cloud security posture

It identifies security gaps and establishes a risk-aligned architecture and roadmap for baseline cloud security that optimizes current technology investments.

Regulatory Compliance

Cloud security will help you manageand maintain enhanced security for your cloud solutions to meet compliance and protect critical data.

Secure Data Lifecycle

Robust cloud security will protect the entire data lifecycle – from creation to destruction.

Effective protection against DDoS Attacks

Cloud security provides the most effective protection against DDoS attacks by continuously monitoring, identifying, analyzing, and mitigating DDoS attacks.

Shared Security Responsibility Model

Cloud security is not just an IT issue but plays an essential role in your overall business strategy. At They Cyber Assurance, we help businesses drive better results with our cloud security solutions.

For Free ISO 27001 ISMS Register

"ISO 27001 ISMS Register includes templates for all registers (can also be called records or logs) which are requirements of ISO 27001:2013 standard i.e. Asset, Risk, Audit and Security Incident registers".

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